How to Recognize a Gambling Addiction


Gambling is the activity where you bet a certain amount of money or bet something of monetary value, in order to be able to win a prize on the outcome of the game. The outcome is based on chances or luck. If the odds are in your favor, you are most likely going to win the prize. Even if the odds are in your favor it may not always be assured that you are going to win. In gambling, there is no guarantee of your win and there is always a considerable amount of risk of losing your money involved in the 은꼴, 야짤 game.

How People Takes on the Gambling

For most people, gamblings are a fun and exciting activity. A lot of people look at gambling as a recreational activity and enjoy it as a pastime. Some may even take it up as a profession and make a living out of gambling. It is a game where you are constantly at the edge of your seat, anticipating whether you will win or lose. For some people, this adrenaline rush and feeling of excitement gets out of control and they start indulging in the activity excessively, this is where it becomes a concern. If one’s gambling habits become problematic and out of control, they could be suffering from gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction is progressive in nature and can have ill effects on the person, psychologically, physically, and socially. It is identified as an impulse control disorder. This problem was first identified by the American psychiatrist, Dr. Robert L. Custer. He is widely known as the pioneer for identifying and treating gambling addiction. Gambling addiction, or Problem gambling, is harmful to a person’s physical and psychological health. People suffering from gambling addiction are prone to depression and anxiety. They may also experience distress, intestinal disorders, and migraines.

Gambling is not a financial problem, rather it is an emotional problem that leads to financial problems. Problem gambling makes a person withdraw themselves from the company of their near and dear ones as well.  Gambling can lead to many problems if it is not kept under control, but addiction to it can happen to anyone. Gambling becomes a problem when your gambling habits are out of control and they affect you financially and socially.

Following are the symptoms experienced by a person with gambling addiction:

  • They feel the need to gamble with more and more money to feel excited.
  • They become restless or irritated when they stop gambling.
  • They gamble when they feel distressed.
  • They lie in order to keep their gambling activities a secret.
  • They do not stop gambling even after repeatedly losing money.
  • They cannot quit gambling even after multiple tries.
  • They start borrowing money for gambling.
  • They keep thinking about gambling and make frequent plans to gamble.
  • Gambling starts affecting a person’s relationships and financial condition.

Some factors that may put you at risk of gambling addiction are:

Depression, anxiety, or personality disorders; other existing addictions like substance abuse, or the use of certain medications like antipsychotic medications.

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